Monday, July 1, 2013

Campaign for a Tobacco-Free Entrance to Bailey/Howe

After receiving and reviewing feedback from staff, faculty and students about the problem of cigarette smoke outside B/H Library, an impromptu committee (Nancy Bercaw, Selene Colburn, Aaron Nichols, Angus Robertson & Scott Miller) formed in order to launch a targeted publicity campaign about the overwhelming need/desire for a tobacco-free building entrance.

The goals of the campaign are:

  • Clearly identify smoking and non-smoking areas outside B/H.

  • Ensure a clean-air entrance for those with respiratory issues.

  • Raise awareness about health & environmental implications of second-hand smoke & cigarette butts.

  • Establish the message about maintaining a tobacco-free entrance.

To be launched during the first week of the new academic year, August 26-30, the Campaign for a Tobacco-Free Entrance to Bailey/Howe intends to set a new precedent of a smoke-free corridor outside the library. The committee welcomes suggestions and participation on how to make this campaign an effective, educational and energetic experience.

We also need volunteers to hand out flyers and talk with patrons while wearing campaign t-shirts during one-hour time slots (volunteer coordinators are Aaron and Angus). We also need assistance in defining the tobacco-free area outside the entrance (infrastructure coordinator is Scott Miller). We would also like to engage campus partners to join us in these efforts (Nancy, Selene and Sarah will coordinate.)

We’d like to hear your ideas, as well as solicit your campaign participation, during an informal, open meeting on Wednesday, July 10 @ 1:30 p.m. in the Dean’s Conference Room.

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