Friday, May 29, 2009


Present: Mara Saule, Jeff Marshall, Birdie MacLennan, Selene Colburn, Peter Blackmer, Nancy Bercaw, Jeanene Light, Marianne Burke

Absent: Paul Philbin and Tina Kussey

General Announcements

There will be an All-Staff Meeting on Tuesday, June 9, from 9-11 a.m., in the Staff Lounge. At that time, Selene will introduce the new templates incorporating the libraries’ logo. Mara will then make announcements, share updates, and outline the vision for the libraries based on the Strategic Plan. Afterward, the action steps for the Strategic Plan will be discussed in small groups. Beverages and snacks will be served. Everyone is encouraged to make arrangements to attend.

Dean’s Office Suite

The Dean’s office suite is undergoing renovations to accommodate Selene, Tina and Birdie. Lyman and Marci’s former space will house Allan Howard from academic computing services. Allan provides statistical support for grad students and faculty, and his position is being incorporated into the B/H “learning commons” model.

Furthermore, a door is being added to Dean’s Suite to improve security of offices and files in particular.

Cataloging and tech services are entering the planning stages to ensure that their office space supports their workflow.

FY10 Budget

Peter is building the new budget, which is due next Tuesday. University-wide staff salaries will be increased by 2-percent. Staff salary guidelines can be found at

Pandemic Planning

Mara is on a small planning group that meets weekly to discuss the impact of a pandemic on UVM and academic support services in particular. In the event that campus closes and courses are taught remotely, how would the libraries provide support?

Comings and Goings

Thursday, May 28 was the last day for Diann Varricchione, who stepped in to assist in the Dean’s Office while Nancy worked on accreditation. She will be missed. Nancy has returned to her original role as the Dean’s assistant and is back in her original location.

Friday, May 29 is the last day for Lisa Schrad, who filled in so efficiently and effectively in Information and Instructional Services for the past nine months.

Trina Magi returns from sabbatical on Monday, June 1. We hope that she will talk about her work in an open forum.

Robin Katz takes her post as the Digital Initiatives Outreach Librarian on July 6.

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