Friday, October 12, 2012

Dean’s Council Minutes Oct. 9, 2012

I.                   Reappointment Timeline and Calendar

The Libraries are working toward syncing our guidelines for reappointments and promotions with campus-wide procedures for pink, green and blue sheets. 

II.                ALANA Breakfast

            The Libraries will host the ALANA breakfast on Feb. 8, 2013, a Friday morning, at Blundell House. Volunteers from all departments are needed for three shifts: prep/cook/clean. The Dean’s Office will coordinate shifts and volunteers. Interested colleagues should contact

III.             UVM Policies vs. Libraries Policies

Question was raised if the Libraries’ Policies are in compliance with the University’s. If not, is there a need for reconciliation? General Counsel will be consulted, particularly on the matter of actions to be taken in the event of a subpoena being served.

IV.              Smoking and Signage

Complaints from students, faculty and staff continue about smoking in front of Bailey/Howe despite new signage. There is a University-wide policy that no smoking can take place within 25-feet of a building. Some smokers are reluctant to move away from the doors, however, making the policy difficult to enforce. The Council decided to strategize, again, with SGA President and VP Bill Ballard and thereby work toward a compelling case for assistance from campus security and student peers.

V.                Faculty Senate Libraries Advisory Committee Motion

The motion to form a Faculty Senate Libraries Advisory Committee passed by 97 percent on Monday evening. At issue now is how it will be structured. Mara will take a leadership role. Selene will pull samples of how other institutions have formed similar committees. Next step is that Mara will get clarity on membership and charge from Faculty Senate President Julie Roberts.

VI.             Copyright Policy

Mara has been working with General Counsel about creating one campus-wide copyright policy. Mara brought the policy-in-progress to the DC for review, and will then circulate the next iteration to  policy stakeholders. The DC saw the need for an addendum with definitions.

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