Friday, January 23, 2009
Crazy Ideas
Chris Burns came up with a crazy idea, and the Dean's Office is taking him up on it. He suggested that we establish a "Crazy Idea Box" for colleagues to offer up all sorts of wild and crazy methods for improving the libraries or/and operating more efficiently.
The Crazy Idea Box, designed by student worker Sarah Grant, will reside in the Staff Lounge at Bailey/Howe.
Fill it up.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
DEAN’S COUNCIL UPDATES: Jan 6 & 13, 2009
Dean’s Council meetings will be held weekly through January to keep communication open to discuss ongoing budget crisis. Peter submitted the libraries’ FY09 rescission on Friday, Jan. 9. Libraries’ FY10 base-budget adjustments are due in the Provost’s Office on Jan. 23. Another open forum will be scheduled in the next week to provide updates on the process and/or any new information.
II. Strategic Planning Discussion
III. Web redesign release
IV. B/H Renovation