Thursday, December 6, 2012

Dean's Council Minutes: December 4, 2012

I.  Digitorium/Institutional Repository

Mara thanked the committee (chaired by Donna O’Malley, and consisting of Chris Burns, Birdie MacLennan, Paul Philbin and Marianne Burke) for their work and report. The committee recommended the Bepress Digital Commons product for use as a repository system by the UVM Libraries.

The Council agreed.

Donna O’Malley will continue to be the coordinator and will pull a group together to move forward.

II. Copyright Policy

General Counsel continues to work on a single copyright policy for the University. Mara will convene a “procedures group” to review issues pertaining to the policy.

III. Updates

Special Collections: Billings fundraising is going well—nearly half way to goal.

Budget FY 14: There is no news on when the process will commence.  

Systems: Social Security Numbers have been eradicated from Voyagers; PRIMO upgrade about to start

RDAS: Two searches underway.